Know the Risk - Raise Your Shield When Traveling Abroad


Know the Risk - Raise Your Shield When Traveling Abroad

The Director of National Intelligence published a video today on things you should be aware of when traveling internationally. The video - while campy - is actually really good at listing precautions to take while traveling, including:

* Personal Communications with strangers
* Don't send privelaged information over the internet
* Don't leave electronics unattended
* Be aware of your surroundings

It's a quick and easy video to watch - what are some other tips you think people should take when traveling abroad?

Video courtesy of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence


In Pursuit of the Secret of Life


In Pursuit of the Secret of Life

Today, 6-1-16, we have submitted Virtual Halo to the Apple App Store for review. Today is Day 1. On such a momentous day, we want to share our motto with you: "To see things thousands of miles away..."


How To Prepare For An International Trip


How To Prepare For An International Trip

With all of the mayhem in the news lately, people are concerned about international travel, rightly so. We've crafted a list of things that people should have handy in preparing for their trip to ensure it's as safe and hassle free as possible. Unfortunately, we can't guarantee a terror attach, but knowing what to do should you find yourself in the middle of the action could mean the difference between life or death.

  • Pack what's important - We all tend to overpack, mainly because we do it the night before we're set to leave. At that point, it's easy to forget something critical and to pack unnecesary items that can both weigh you down and take up valuable space. You'll want to remember the following items:
    • Write down your emergency contacts and their contact information
    • Make copies of the front and back of your credit cards and your signed passport page; leave a copy at home and take a copy with you.
    • Keep these copies with you inside of your carry on luggage and keep it with you at all times.
    • Take at least two weeks worth of medication..
  • Make a plan - Discuss what you'll do in case of an attack with your traveling companions; in the event of a disturbance, where will you meet, how will you get there, etc. It's a good idea to take a simple one-page map of the area you'll be traveling with you in case your mobile device loses power or the internet goes down.
    • Prior to travel, register with the U.S. State Department's STEP Program.
    • While traveling, memorize your hotel's emergency exits and what the most evacuation route from your hotel room to the outside is and be prepared to retrace this route with limited visibility.
    • Once overseas, register with the nearest embassy and record their contact information and that of the nearest consulate if applicable.
  • Carry backup cash - Cash is king and when on foot and if the internet goes down, it can help you get something to eat and a few bottles of water. Credit cards don't always work and there's nothing that will make you feel helpless than not having purchasing power.
  • Avoid high-target areas - Avoid crowded areas at busy times of the day. Major sporting events, festivals and rally's are soft targets that a terrorist may find appealing.
  • Try not to stand out - Instead of being the "ugly American" practice blending in by wearing muted colors, khaki pants, dark socks and leather shoes. Nothing stands out internationally more than an American wearing shorts, athletic shoes and white socks.
  • Use your tools - Utilize the Virtual Halo app and communicate to your emergency contacts what your plan is in case of an emergency. Remember - SOS and Check In mode are your friends.


Preparations To Take For An Earthquake


Preparations To Take For An Earthquake

On Monday, the USGS released maps and research showing predicted earthquake hotspots in the United States. What's unique this year is the addition of predicted earthquakes because of man-made factors. Locations in... Read More


What To Do When Traveling Abroad During an Attack


What To Do When Traveling Abroad During an Attack

Conde Nast published a great article on what to do when traveling abroad during an attack. In the wake of Charlie Hebdo, the Boston Marathon bombings, additional attacks in Paris, the foiled attacks in Munich and now the tragedy in Brussels, the thought that you might be present for an attack has sadly become a reality.

It's time to stop thinking "that won't happen to me." It can. Hopefully it won't, but you should prepare for it nonetheless. If you are present during an attack, or even in a city where an attack takes place, you need to know what to do. Below is a quick "cheat sheet" on resources to utilize when traveling abroad:

  • Prior to Travel:
    • Add the international roaming option to your mobile phone. Over the past year, each of the major cell phone companies, including AT&T, T-Mobile and Verizon, have lowered the cost and increased the capabilities of their international plans.
    • Make a list of phone numbers and email addresses that you can access if your mobile device runs out of power. Internet cafe's and hotel business centers are great places to shoot messages off to loved ones.
    • Visit the U.S. State Department's Alerts and Warnings Website - this resources will give you information about where you're going and what to be cognizant of.
  • While Abroad:
    • Register your international travels with the U.S. State Department's STEP Program (State Department's Smart Traveler Enrollment Program.
    • Log into Facebook and mark yourself as "safe" with their Safety Check tool (they know where you are based on your phone's GPS functionality).
    • Use the Virtual Halo app to let your emergency contacts know that you're safe
