If you live for the thrill of adventure, there is one thing you probably already know should be at
the top of your packing list - safety. But when it comes to staying safe while you’re going it
alone, what should you prioritize? The following is a quick guide to help get you ready to hit the road, safely.

First, Think About Survival

What are some basic necessities for survival if you were to go camping, hiking or venture off
road somewhere you could potentially stay overnight? To keep you safe, you should first pack
yourself some food and water, at least enough to last a couple days if not more, and some first
aid items like bandages and antiseptic. If you know you may venture into territories with
dangerous animals, pack accordingly with items such as bear spray or a knife. A knife will
double as a means to acquiring more food, or triple as a survival tool in the case of an


Pack Your Bags with Safety in Mind

In addition to these items, you should pack other gear you might need. This should include
weather-appropriate clothing, any harnesses or equipment for hiking or climbing and other tools you may need for the environment you will be in. Always keep in mind that you will be alone, so having all the safety items you may need at your disposable is key in a dangerous, or even life-threatening, situation.

Bring Your Phone!

Even if cell signal may be weak, bring your cell phone. And download a safety app like Virtual Halo as a quick and easy means to get help if you need it. Not only will Virtual Halo let you keep in touch with friends or loved ones to let them know where you are, it will also let you send an SOS if you need help. This SOS will alert them immediately, and they can find out where you are and get help to you - fast. So any time you’re going it alone, be sure to have the app downloaded, and your phone on hand.
