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Telling Someone You’re Lost Is As Easy As Two Taps


Telling Someone You’re Lost Is As Easy As Two Taps

Being in a dangerous or uncomfortable situation is a frightening experience. With adrenaline pumping through your veins and the fight-or- flight response kicking in, it’s critical to make the right decision at the right time to keep yourself safe. If you’re lost and you can feel yourself start to panic, take a deep breath and calmly pull out your phone or Apple Watch.
With Virtual Halo, your personal safety app, installed on these devices telling someone you’re lost and need help is as easy as two quick taps on the screen. Here’s how it works:

Check-In To Let Them Know You’re OK

If you’ve gone off the grid or you’re simply traveling away from home, Virtual Halo lets you send a quick, simple message to your preset list of emergency contacts that lets them know you’re okay. You can even opt to send your location for an extra sense of safety and security. In 2018 this feature is expanding to allow you to automatically check in with your contacts throughout the day, with the option to immediately notify them with your last known location if you do not respond.

Send an Instant SOS If You’re Not

On the other hand, if you are not okay and find that you’ve lost your way, sending an SOS is as easy as tap-tap on the screen of your phone or Apple Watch. Virtual Halo comes equipped with a panic button that will send an instant SOS notification to your emergency contacts that lets them know you’re in danger. This comes in handy when you’re lost, because it sends GPS coordinates of your last known location with the SOS so they can send help directly to you.


Go Adventuring with Confidence

Before your next adventure begins, be sure to plan ahead and download Virtual Halo to your devices. Having an Apple Watch on your wrist with the app ready to go is a quick and efficient way to send an SOS if you do happen to get lost. It’s an intuitive personal safety app designed with you in mind, so you can go adventuring confidently, and get help if you need it.


Don't Let Your Teen Leave For College Without Their Personal SOS


Don't Let Your Teen Leave For College Without Their Personal SOS

For teens, going off to college is an exciting, and liberating milestone.

But for parents, this event can be terrifying. Especially if they go to school out of state, as nearly 14% of students do.

As a parent, how can you feel confident that your teen will be safe even when you aren’t there? Start by talking to them about safety and precautions they should take, then take advantage of the one thing you know they’ll never go a second without - their cell phone.

Install Their Personal SOS

As your teen is busy preparing for their new classes stocking up on pens, papers and books, scratch one more thing off the to do list by downloading Virtual Halo to their cell phone. Virtual Halo is a personal safety app that will give you peace of mind by giving your teen access to quick and convenient SOS notification in the event of an emergency.

The app was designed with the college student in mind. When your teen uses the SOS, it not only sends a message to you and their chosen, trusted contacts, and can also be setup to text their campus security as well. This way, you can relax (as much as possible) knowing that nearby help is on the way. It’s free to use for basic services, with extended services costing only $1.99 per month; peace of mind as your teen strolls around campus.

Education is Important, but…

We know their safety comes first. That’s why we developed an app to give your teen the ability to immediately contact those closest to them for help when they need it. With the app, they can check in, mark when they’re going out and use the innovative Going Out Mode. When active, Going Out will automatically send an SOS if it's not disabled by the time they originally set. So you and your teen can always feel safe, anywhere, at any time.
