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Delivery Driver

The Perfect Christmas Present For Your Delivery Driver


The Perfect Christmas Present For Your Delivery Driver

It’s that time of year again! The time when everyone is rushing out last minute gifts, shipping the latest must-have items to friends and family and sending off wishes for a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

But while you are wrapping your presents and sealing those envelopes, be sure to keep your delivery driver in mind. They can visit hundreds of addresses in a single day, which may put them in less-traveled areas they may or may not be as familiar with. While they travel their route, they could also be putting their safety at risk.


So here is why Virtual Halo is the perfect Christmas present for your delivery driver:

Their Loved Ones Know Where They Are

This time of year we all have our friends and loved ones at the forefront of our minds, this is especially true for the families of delivery drivers. As they make their deliveries, Virtual Halo lets them check in with their loved ones to let them know they are safe. The app is designed to allow them to check in, telling their loved ones they are okay, or send them a note when they have arrived to designated locations. This way, if they are late returning to the office or home, they have instant access to a quick and easy way to let their loved ones know.

They Can Get Help When They Need It

With its instant SOS notification feature, Virtual Halo is a personal safety app that gives the delivery driver access to help when they need it. If they encounter a dangerous situation, they can use the app to send an SOS alert to their loved ones and let them know they need help. The app will send their loved ones a notification in addition to their last known GPS location. This way, they can call for help, and it will quickly be on its way.

Keeping Families Safe

Ultimately, when you gift your delivery driver with the Virtual Halo app for their phone, you are giving them the gift of safety, and their loved ones the gift of peace of mind. They will always have access to help if they need it, and they will always be connected with their loved ones. This is just one small way Virtual Halo is working to keep families connected and safe this Holiday season.
